You know that song waitin' on the world to change by:.......well I don't really know and don't feel like looking it up. ha So any way I was just sitting here thinking about my life right now and I realized that I am "waiting for finals week to hurry up and get over with so I can get on with my summer." It made me think of that song, not really sure why just did.
I only have two classes and not even hard ones but as we have more nice days sprinkled in with the rainy ones, it's really making me want to get out and have fun. And more often than not I have been succumbing the temptation and therefore things - read : assignments have not been turned on time....NICE great way to solve the problem! I am just really wanting to get out and play with the kiddos. Yesterday we took a walk to sonic and got an "after lunch treat" and walked home. It was so nice and I realized just what a great summer this is going to be. Now if school would just hurry up and end already!
I have been out looking at pools of the yard, pool passes and the cost of them for pools in my area. UGH I am just so ready to be as carefree as the kids are and play all day! I just can't wait. Oh and my sweet sister is coming home from college in a week and will be home for a few weeks. It will be so fun to have her here even for just a short time. I already have all the fun things we are going to do planned out. But I don't think she knows that yet!!!
Well here's to the next two weeks passing quickly so I can get on with the summer!
Summing Up the Holidays
2 weeks ago
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