This was supposed to be on Tuesday, but with having two little ones and moving...well now it's Thursday!
1. We had a great time at my cousins birthday party. It was a blast racing on the go-karts. My 2 year old rode with me and LOVED it....7 months ago he couldn't get off fast enough. This time every time we stopped between races he said, "more, more, more"
2. Listening to my 2 year old giggle at Kipper has got to be one of the cutest things ever!
3. Moving is no fun and yet we seem to do it a lot! Hopefully this will be the last time for a while.
4. I am SO excited for Conference coming up in just over a week. It's one of my favorite weekends!
5. The little guy gets his cast off a week from today (Thursday) and I am so excited. Poor little guy has been such a trooper through this but he is SO ready to be able to splash in the tub. It's like torture every time we give the big guy a bath because he thinks he gets to get in too!!!
6. Not going to my home ward on Sundays is really starting to get to me. I just don't really feel like I have a place right now. Even though given the chance I would move from this ward in a heartbeat!
7. I am really looking forward to using my spa gift certificate, that I got for my birthday, as soon as we are all settled in our new home.
8. Fall is here and we are loving every minute of it. I have had the windows open for at least a week straight and even though it has been hot in the afternoon a few days we just grin and bear it because it gets so cool in the evening.
9. Our new place has an attic fan....for that I am grateful!
10. As much as being gone on the weekends is hard for me... and the house work is not really getting done, (I partly blame it on moving because that just makes a mess out of everything) I love the simplistic life of the farm and knowing that we have the resources to provide for ourselves most anything we need makes me SO happy
Summing Up the Holidays
2 weeks ago